IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150916


Introduced Table Filters in XPanels
In XPanels, filter controls have been added to the DB Tables tab. This allows you to filter the contents by part of the table name to help you find your desired table quickly.
This issue was tracked as Item #120794.

New Ability For Limiting the Amount of Elements in an Extract
In XPanels, you can now limit the amount of elements in an extract. To leverage this feature in XPanels, click on the tab Extract Element Reduction. The ability to create and save profiles associated with this has also been added to this tab.
This issue was tracked as Item #133244

Added Ability to Export Selected EagleML Panel
In XPanels, you can now export the selected EagleML panel to Excel by selecting the Export in Excel icon. This feature can be useful to assist in helping with your mapping exercise if you prefer to work in Excel initially.

This is a one direction activity for your documentation purposes only. You can not import this information back into IWS.

This issue was tracked as Item #133162.

Calling Data Query Objects in Expressions
If you set the default output parameter for your Data Query object using the context menu of the Outbound panel and add it to the library, you can now call it in the Destination Expressions using the format dq_name( par1, par2, .. ) without having to add it to the worksheet. This feature has been implemented for both MC and XSLT translators.
This issue was tracked as Item #133187.

Software Fixes

Incorrect Aliases Paths for XML Source
If you created a task with an XML source and the 'Message Node option value differed from the root node, the XML paths were incorrectly generated for all source aliases'. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #132731.

DB Request Input Parameters Issue
If you selected a stored procedure in settings of DB Request Message Exchange object and its name contains lower case characters, the input parameters grid was not filled after applying new settings. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #133697.

Download Publishing Package Does Not Include Export Rule Folder in the Path
The Download Publishing Package does not include the export rule folder in the rule path for .prf files. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #133748.