IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150114


Enhanced Extract Template
The previous Generic Extract template has been enhanced and has been relabeled as Generic Extract and Transform template. This template allows you to create solutions containing Generic Extract activity. It also now contains a task for a custom transformation stream, with pre-configured source data and special objects to allow for proper extract workflow execution.
This issue was tracked as Item #126410.

Software Fixes

Duplicate Nodes in Destination
At times when you collapsed a node in the Destination object, went to the Mapped tab and then switched back to the All tab, you would see duplicate node values. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #124316.

Expression Editing Issues
When you edited an object's expression directly in the script bar, in certain cases the edited changes were not actually applied. The code was updated to resolve this issue. An edited expression will now always be updated once the cell's focus changes.
This issue was tracked as Item #125917.

Issue with Fork Used with External Data
If you used a fork in your workflow and one of the forked tasked received external data, IWS generated the WRF script incorrectly and resulted in the script not being able to complete the execution. The code was update to resolve the issue by having the script generate the wait right after the fork instead of before it.
This issue was tracked as Item #126198.