IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140806


Updates to the About Screen
The About screen has been enhanced to include additional information. The additional details include the IWS build date, the Eagle version and the server name. The Eagle version and server name are pulled from the environment you connect to when you log into IWS. If you chose the work offline option, this information will be blank.
This issue was tracked as Item #121412.

Optimizations to Build Workflow Tree Functionality
Optimization was done to the build workflow tree functionality. This functionality requires rather intensive resources to perform. Previously, it was executed any time you set, retrieved or view workflow properties anywhere within IWS (for example, when you saved a workflow). Since this functionality is needed only in conjunction with the Workflow settings, it was separated out so that it is no longer called unnecessarily. This feature is available under the Settings tab and labeled Build Workflow Tree. Since it is required when using the Workflow Settings, if you select Workflow Settings but the Build Workflow Tree option is not selected, you will get a warning message indicating you need to select this.

We will be exploring for a future release the possibility of combining this logic directly into the Workflow Settings option instead of requiring the two selections.

This issue was tracked as Item #121415.