IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150624

Software Fixes

ConditionToInclude Values Removed When Reselecting EagleML
There was an outstanding issue regarding refreshing the EagleML in an existing workflow by reselecting the EagleML object in the Destination field. This issue was specifically related to if you switched to the Mapped filter tab or create a custom one in the Destination object and then reselected. In this situation, values in the ConditionToInclude column would be lost after the reselect. The code was updated to resolve this issue and the ConditionToInclude values are now preserved.
This issue was tracked as Item #130926.

Incorrectly Allowed Editing of Condition on Format Specific Objects
If you clicked in the top-left area of objects within the Format Specific ToolBox section (for example, the ReadHeader object), you were able to edit the object's condition using the script editor. You should not actually be able to edit this information, as changing it would cause issues. The code was update so that this condition is no longer editable.
This issue was tracked as Item #131427.