IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 201508012


Update to EagleML Extension (XPanel)
Eagle updated how extensions for EagleML panels are stored. With this update, changes were necessary in the logic around opening and saving EagleML extension panels. This change is being implemented in a phased approach. In this release, a change was made so that when you save a EagleML panel extension from XPanels, it saves it both in the old schema of extension\eagleml-custom.xsd and the new schema of schema\eagleml-custom-2-0.xsd. Therefore, your new EagleML panel extension will be available in both schemas. In a future release, the code will be enhanced to only save to the new schema and automatically do all actions required so that previously created extensions will work seamlessly.
This issue was tracked as Item #132806.

Software Fixes

Error Using Save All Files with the MC Preprocessor Tab
If you clicked the Save All Files button with the MC Preprocessor edit tab opened, you would get a remote server error. The code was updated and the tab content is now saved correctly.
This issue was tracked as Item #132294.

Export Issue with XSLT Variables
If you used a constant value in XSLT Variable object, it will be exported with extra line breaks which could cause incorrect processing. The code was updated so that no extra line breaks are exported.
This issue was tracked as Item #132753.

Issue with Text Nodes in Extension Templates
IWS previously indicated elements in some cases instead of nodes for extension templates. This was an issue for a text node though, because it is not an element. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #132536.

Issue Displaying Characters in TagValues Properties
IWS was updated to handle characters for the TagValue properties. Some characters such as (:, <, >, ') were automatically replaced with the special characters for the export file, for example (5C3A, & lt;, & gt;, & quot). The code was updated so that when you view the parameter table, they are displayed normally.
This issue was tracked as Item #132399.