IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 2016013

Software Fixes

Duplicate Nodes in the Source and Destination Objects in a XSLT

If you added a new node (or nodes) in the Source object in XSLT and entered a ForEach shape, clicked the apply button, closed a tab with the XSLT without save and reopen the XSLT, the Source would be displayed a two new node. And after each reopening, the XSLT will be added a new this node. The code was updated to address this issue. The logic for storage a sub worksheet ForEach from a IWS cache was removed.
This issue was tracked as Item #142947.

Pipe Symbols Incorrectly Replaced With Colons

In some cases, pipe symbols were being replaced with colons in exported rule when used in subworksheets (Loops, ParseDataset, Data Query, etc.). The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #142961.

Incorrect Source/Destination Fill for Warehouse object

If you selected Warehouse NAV Multi, Cash Flow Projection or GL Balances model in Source or Destination object, it was filled with errors and missing EagleML header fields.The code was updated to resolve this issue. EagleML model requests are now correctly processed for Warehouse objects.
This issue was tracked as Item #143159.