IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20151028


Allow for Custom XSL expressions for ForEach Objects
Enhanced IWS to allow you to write custom xsl expressions for ForEach objects. In addition, the format for xsl expressions has changed to XML.
This issue was tracked as Item #134324.

Software Fixes

Expand/Collapse Issue
If you used the expand/collapse feature, it was possible that IWS could close unexpectedly when you selected collapse. This issue occurred because it was not properly handling when nodes were null. The code was corrected and you can now collapse without issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #135047.

Issue with RunNow and Scheduled Workflows
If you tried to use the RunNow feature for a scheduled workflow, you could get errors such as 'DATETIMETORUN' node is missing. The code was updated and the RunNow feature now works as expected for scheduled workflows.
This issue was tracked as Item #135244.