IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160323


Introduced New Task Parameter SKIPCANCEL

A New Task Parameter, SKIPCANCEL, has been introduced. This parameter can be added to the Control Message for restarting stream. If the parameter is s set to "Y", the step that cancels all instances of workflows upon restart will be ignored.
This issue was tracked as Item #139840

Software Fixes

Issue with Pipe Symbols Being Replaced

In some cases the pipe (or vertical bar) symbols in string values were replaced with a colons in an output file. This issue occurred when the expression is set in a subworksheet (such as Loops or ParseDataset). The code was updated to resolve this issue. Pipe symbols are now replaced only for aliases as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #139821.

Issue with Rule Type of Extract Object

Current, the extract object generates the all available types. Also this object can currently generate an inbound rule, which isn't valid. The object should generate only the type "STAR2TAGVALUE" and have direction format = "O". The code was updated to resolve this issue.

Existing Extract objects will be generated in the type which they were created.

This issue was tracked as Item #139839.

Saving Issue with Data Query Form

If you tried to apply Data Query form data with a subworksheet opened, its data would not be saved. An exception message would be displayed you tried to open this subworksheet again. The code was updated to resole this issue. The Data Query form data is now correctly saved. Also, the Save and Close buttons are disabled when subworksheet is opened to avoid confusion
This issue was tracked as Item #139865.