IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160720

Software Fixes

Issue with Search/Filter in XPanel and Element Reduction

There was recently added functionality within the XPanel / Element Reduction the ability to Filter and Search for key partial or complete words. There was an issue with the behavior of this functionality. If you have an existing profile which you are adding/removing elements from and you use the Search/Filter functionality to find those elements; if you then press the Red X to clear the filter, most of the data elements previously included in the profile have now been removed. The logic around the Search/Filter functionality was updated to address this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #142740.

Fields Removed from Profile after Using Seach Feature

After using the search feature in the XPanel / Element Reduction and saving the profile, the profile has been reduced to just those fields added. The existing fields that were previously selected are no longer selected. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #143214.

Elements Missing When Using Export to Excel Feature

When running Export to Excel within IWS Open XPanels, not all of the data elements are being extracted. The code was updated to resolve this issue. A method for download schemas for current model into exported a panel and parsing the response in an excel format was added.
This issue was tracked as Item #143230.

EagleML Destination Issues

Sometimes when optional EagleML model is used in destination object mapping, you can get duplicate nodes in it after switching to the 'Mapped' filter tab. Also, the incorrect root node is generated after refreshing destination object with 'Map Full Message' option disabled. The code was updated to resolve these issues.
This issue was tracked as Item #143448.