IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160511


Added Search and Filter Data Ability for XPanels

Previously, there was no way to search or filter data in the XPanels grids. IWS was enhanced to include a toolbar at the top of the XPanels grid where you can search and filter the data.
This issue was tracked as Item #138840.

Software Fixes

Task Format Form Update for Generic Extract Object 

Extract parameters/filters controls of extract source form are useless for translators as they affect only parent workflow and must be changed from there. Having them display on this form was confusing. IWS was changed so that the extract parameters/filters controls are now disabled in extract source format form when opened from the Task Source object or the Set Source' button of the translator Source. In addition, a Use Generic Extract 'Properties context menu option' hint was added.
This issue was tracked as Item #140445.

Auto-complete List Issues

Incorrect expression auto-complete list items were generated for ParseDataset object's output variables. In addition, output variables were not added for DB Request (SQL) objects. The code was updated to resolve this issues. Correct auto-complete list items are now generated for these object.
This issue was tracked as Item #141269.

Wrong Edited Grid Cell After Scroll

If you focus a cropped grid cell and apply expression using Script Editor bar, the wrong column will be updated. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #141270.

Issue Excluding Files in Export Wizard

You were not able to exclude files from export using the Export Wizard. Checking or unchecking the files did not work. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Checking or unchecking the files now appropriately includes or excludes the files.
This issue was tracked as Item #141300.