IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20141231


TagValue Format Available in Generic Extract Template
When the Generic Extract Template was initially released in IWS, EagleML was the only output format option. The template has been enhanced to now also offer TagValue as an output format option.
This issue was tracked as Item #125771.

Initial Testing Release of Ping Support

IWS has been enhanced to allow you to use IWS in Eagle environments using Ping authorization. The enhancement is released in this version for client testing purposes. When using IWS in an environment using Ping authorization, in the IWS Log in screen, type your network user Id into the User Name field and your network password into the Password field. The feature should be considered in test at this time. Once testing is completed, a separate release note will be issued in a future release announcing the formal support of IWS use in Eagle environments using Ping.
This issue was tracked as Item #125967.

Software Fixes

Set Source Could Clear Out Values

After populating the Source and Destination objects associated with a translation, if you then clicked the Set Source option on the Source object, the values you populated may be cleared out. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Your values will not be cleared simply by selecting Set Source.
This issue was tracked as Item #125950.