IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150527

Software Fixes

Issue with Open XPanel 

In IWS version only, there was a bug associated with Open XPanel. If you clicked on the Open XPanel in the toolbar and then selected any EagleML model (for example, Generic SMF), IWS would close unexpectedly. The code was updated to resolve this issue.

Eagle did not push IWS version into the IWS production site (https://tools.eagleaccess.com/iws45/) this week due to this issue.

This issue was tracked as Item #130654.

PaceJob and StarJob Objects Renamed

IWS has been updated so that the Pacejob object is now labeled Eagle Warehouse and the Starjob object is now labeled Eagle Accounting.
This issue was tracked as Item #129738. 

Minor Updates to Publish Messages 

There were several instances where the word Export showed in messages when you used the Publish feature. For example, when you clicked on the Publish icon, the pop-up window title was Export Solution and the message indicated the solution had been exported successfully. The code was updated to correctly use publish instead of export to avoid any confusion.
This issue was tracked as Item #129737. 

Issue with Node Index When Insert Row Used 

During XSLT translation, if your source contained some same nodes and you used the insert row function to add another of these nodes, the new element would have the incorrect index upon export. The code was updated to ensure the correct node index is used when adding new nodes in this situation.
This issue was tracked as Item #129742. 

Changed Default Behavior for Map Full Message 

In translations, Map Full Message was checked by default for all translations. This feature should only have been checked by default for XSLT translations. The code was updated so that now Map Full Message will be checked by default only when you select XML as the source.
This issue was tracked as Item #130651.