IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140727


Enhanced IWS to Allow For Read Only
IWS has been enhanced to allow it to be used in a Read-Only mode in an environment. To leverage this feature, the environment will need to have a System Parameter entry for sys_item 216 where the sys_value is set to "Y". This system setting entry will be automatically included as part of the core Eagle db scripts for new installs as of v2015R1 and will be set to "N" by default. If you are on an earlier version, you can manually add this setting via the Eagle interface in the System Parameters screen located in System Management Center. If the environment has the sys_item 216 with a value of "Y", then IWS will be read only. If the environment has the sys_item 216 but the value is anything but "Y" or if the environment does not have sys_item 216 at all, IWS will open in standard mode. For environment set to be read only, you will see an initial warning message alerting you that you are in read only mode in this environment. In addition, "read only mode" displayed at the top of the screen and buttons that are not applicable in read only mode such as save solution are disabled.
This issue was tracked as Item #119452.

Added New Workflow Settings Option - Custom Naming and Folders
A new Workflow Settings option is now available under the Settings tab in IWS. This option allows you to set custom names for TSR and ACK reply messages as well as define custom folders in CMW\reply. It also allows you to visually see the grouping of workflows, tasks, processes, subprocesses and properties in one place instead of having to search within the workflow. The functionality around naming conventions for reply messages allows you to:

  • Define a global name for a workflow that can be included in the reply messages

  • Define a component level name for inclusion in the reply message

  • Create a system generated date/time stamp based on the workflow start time for the inclusion in all the reply messages of the workflow

  • Define the parent and child names for inclusion in the reply messages (when components are tested)

The functionality around custom folders allows you to:

  • Define custom folders in CMW\reply

For more detailed information on how to use these features, please refer to KB Article #13410.
This issue was tracked as Item #121223.

Increased List of Properties for Bundle-Based Workflows and Subprocesses
The list of available properties for bundle-based workflows and subprocesses was increased. The following were added:

  • CreateConsolidatedTSR

  • TSRTransformStream 

  • SendFailedTSROnly parameters

In addition, the sendNotification parameter was enhanced. There are now 3 possible values: ALWAYS, NEVER and ONFAILURE.
This issue was tracked as Item #121224.

Software Fixes

Incorrect IWS Version Information in Help and About
In IWS, when you selected About or clicked on the "?" Help Icon, the IWS version displayed was incorrect. It would always show as version 1.0. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The About and Help will now show the correct IWS version. This version information is also displayed on the top right corner of IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #119617.

Publisher Can't Be Verified Prompt on Initial Install
The first time you install IWS, you would get a "Publisher can not be verified" warning. If you clicked install, IWS would install correctly though. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The Eagle publisher certificate was included in the build.
This issue was tracked as Item #120823.