IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140917


Added SubWorksheet for XSLT ForEach
The XSLT ForEach object was enhanced and now displays a sub worksheet when you double click on it. You can drop special shapes from the Toolbox to the work area inside this sub worksheet of XSLT ForEach object. All shapes inside the ForEach will generate XSLT code inside <xsl:for-each ..> ... </xsl:for-each> node.
This issue was tracked as Item #122853.

Custom SQL Requests Now Available in XSLT DB Lookup
The XSLT DB Lookup was enhanced to include a new option of "SQL Request" in the object parameters. If you want to use custom SQL requests, please check the "SQL Request" box. You will also need to enter a keyword to IN parameters of XSLT DB Lookup shape – for OracleDB requests, enter "IMPLOCI" and for MSSQLDB requests enter "IMPLOLEDB". Enter the actual SQL request to the expression column. It is also possible to use xsl functions in the SQL request text – for example:

concat("select * from",|TableNameVar|)

This issue was tracked as Item #122854.

Software Fixes

Issue Modifying Expression By Clicking on XSLT ForEach Object
If you double clicked on a XSLT ForEach object and modified the expression, it incorrectly modified the node name. The following steps show an example of how this issue would appear:

  1. Create an XSLT transform worksheet

  2. Set XMLs int the Source and Destination grids

  3. Drop in a ForEach object and link it between one of the Source grid nodes and the Destination grid node

  4. Double click on the ForEach object and modify the expression on the popup

  5. You will notice that the linked node name in the destination grid was incorrectly modified

The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #122524.

Save and Export Issues with Expanded/Collapsed EagleML Nodes
If you expanded EagleML node(s) and created a mapping for any of the expanded node(s) in the destination and then subsequently collapsed the node(s), the mapping would not save and also could not be exported. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #122816.

Issue with Recently Opened Solutions
If you tried to open a solution using the Recently Opened Solutions Option, you would get the error "Exception on download file: /eis/system.windows.controls.textblock" and the solution would not open. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #122817.

Issue with Invalid XML Nodes In Export When ForEach Mapped to Root
If you tried to map the root node in the XSLT translation to the ForEach object, IWS created invalid XML nodes during export. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #122818.

Issue with Multiple AssetResolutionOption and Batting Order Fields
There are separate controls for the assetResolutionOption and the BattingOrder fields in IWS. However, if you had multiples of these fields, only one pair worked as expected. An empty enumeration values editor control opened for the others. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #122819.

EagleML Field Names Were Editable
Field names for the EagleML forms are core and should not be editable. The field names were not editable when the output message format was set in the Task Source. However, it was possible to edit EagleML field names elsewhere. The code was updated to resolve this issue. EagleML field names are not editable throughout IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #122820.