IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20141217


Added New Generic Extract Template
A new template, Generic Extract, was added to the Templates section of New Solution. The Generic Extract template provides a user-friendly, simple way to create extract solution using the default transformation stream. In this initial release of the Generic Extract template, the output format is EagleML only.
This issue was tracked as Item #125421.

Core Extract Object Added to the Toolbox
A new Core Extract object was added to the ToolBox, allowing you to create and adjust EagleML Extract tasks manually. Most often you would use this to adjust the EagleML extract task after you had already created it initially using the Simple Extract template, rather than creating the object from scratch. As a best practice, you should always leverage templates whenever possible.

In release IWS this object is named Core EagleML Extract. It will be relabeled to the more generic name of Core Extract in next week's release, as that it a more appropriate label.

This issue was tracked as Item #124987.

Allow Data Artifact to be Attached to Extractor Tasks
Data artifacts can now be attached to both the Task Extractor and the XSLT Extractor objects.
This issue was tracked as Item #125475.

Stream Property is Now DropDown
Previously, the stream property of task objects was a free form text field. You were required to type in the exact names of the stream for it to work successfully. The code was enhanced to make the stream field a dropdown instead, so you can simply pick the correct stream. The stream list shown in the dropdown is pulled from the database of the Eagle region you accessing from IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #125437.