IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160217


New argument for ConvertDate Function

Previously, it was not possible to create a custom name of the template for the XSLT template of date. The code was enhanced to allow for this functionality. A new argument for function ConvertDate for create a custom name for the XSLT template of date has been added. For example:

ConvertDate( |effectiveDate|, "M?\D?\YYYY", "YYYY-MM-DD", "MyTemplate")

This issue was tracked as Item #138638.

Adding Native Code After Closed Element

Previously, it was not possible to add native code after a closed "xsl:for-each" element. The code was enhanced to allow this. To add native code after closed of xsl:for-each element, right-click on a node (the node is in bold) located above than node :ForEach: element, and click on menu item of 'As the last element of 'referenceTransaction'. This will be processed after all elements in this node.
This issue was tracked as Item #138639.

Software Fixes

Issue Using Show Failed Messages Function

Within IWS, Monitoring tool could close unexpectedly when you tried to use the "show failed messages" function. The code was updated to correct this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #138572.

Issue Creating Context Variables for Data Queries in StarCalc

When you tried to evaluate an entered expression in the Data Query form using the 'Evaluate Expression' button, the Data Query inbound parameters (wrapped in at-signs) would not be processed. The code was updated so that the Data Query parameters now can be set in the 'Context' area and processed like a usual variables.
This issue was tracked as Item #136675.

'Insecure' Message Exchange Flag Issue  

The 'Insecure' parameter of FTP Message Exchange objects could not be exported with a NO value. The code was updated and a NO value was added to the parameter's drop-down control in the Settings window.
This issue was tracked as Item #138553.

Issue When You Collapse an Element in Grid

When you collapse an element in the grid, IWS may close unexpectedly. This issue was resolved by adding a verification check of the xpath for each element.
This issue was tracked as Item #138740.