IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160727


New Icons Added to the IWS Toolbox

New approved icons were added to the task worksheet toolbox in IWS. This is the first of a series of icon changes in IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #133827. 

Software Fixes

Resolved Issue Expanding All Models for Selected Panel

Within the Element Reduction Profile creation, there is a Select All box at the top of the element selection fields. If a specific node/model is not expanded, it is not included in the profile. However, there is no way currently to expand all models for selected panels in XPanels. The code was updated to resolve this issue. A new context menu item for a grid in XPanels was added. It allows for you to expand all models for the current panel in the grid.
This issue was tracked as Item #143602.

Fixed Issue with Filters in the Create New Solution Form

If a filter is set up in the Existing tab in the "Create new ..." form, this filter is available on all other tabs, but is collapsed. Currently, you don't have the ability to clear this filter, but need to go back to the Existing tab and clear it manually. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The filter will now automatically clear while you are switching between tabs in the "Create new solution" form.
This issue was tracked as Item #143621.

Fixed Issue with Entering Profile Name

When saving an Element Reduction profile name, you could not enter a name that contained an underscore. The code was updated to include a pattern for the profile name. It is now possible to enter the profile name using the following:

[0-9] & [a-zA-Z] & [ _ ]

This issue was tracked as Item #143675.

Fixed Issue with RaiseException and Reason Node

When you used RaiseException object in the MC translator with an EagleML output format, the Reason node was not generated in the output translation rule. This issue occurred when the RaiseException object was placed inside the Group subworksheet. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The RaiseException object is now correctly processed in groups.
This issue was tracked as Item #143693.