IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20161123


Added ability for Native Code in XSLT

Previously, there was no ability to insert NativeCode after a for-each node and before Message Separator node in XSLT. IWS was enhanced and a new menu item was created. You can find this item, Inside ForEach, in the menu item Before for elements with an expression of ForEach.
This issue was tracked as Item #147315.

Generate Default Group Option in EagleML Translators

The main worksheet of EagleML translator task now has Generate Default Group option. This option is enabled by default, but can be disabled in Worksheet Properties form. It allows you to generate default grouping based on transaction node in output rule. If disabled, you can the edit root COLUMNS section and should generate grouping manually.
This issue was tracked as Item #147376.

Software Fixes

Incorrect XMLPATH Attribute Generation

In some cases when XML destination column name started with Message Node destination property value, it would have an incomplete name in output rule file. This issue occurred when the destination file structure was altered using the Remove rowcontext menu option or it does not match sample file. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #147251.

MCPreprocessor Export Issue in MC Stream Cascading Subprocess

When you use MCPreprocessor activity as a first step of bundle-based MC Stream Cascading workflow, its content will be generated in EXECUTE section instead of the rule header. The code was updated to resolve this issue. MCPreprocessor is now exported in header section when Data Artifact is used in MC Stream Cascading workflow.
This issue was tracked as Item #147275.

Updated XPanels Libraries

In some circumstances using XPanels, you could get an Application Error. This issue was caused because the XPanel libraries were not updated. All applicable libraries were updated and you will no longer receive this error when using XPanels.
This issue was tracked as Item #147423.

Case Issue with Profile Names

When saving a profile in lowercase in Element Reduction tab in XPanels, the name of profile was replaced to a name with feedType in Uppercase instead. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Logic was added to check the case for feedType in the profile name and store appropriately.
This issue was tracked as Item #147424.

Issuer Model Removed from Transform & Generic Load

Extract-only Issuer EagleML type was removed from Transform & Generic Load solution template destination form. Some object types are extract only and don't have an inbound EagleML interface and therefore should not show up as such in IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #144029.

Composite Entity List Model Removed from Transform & Generic Load

Extract-only Composite Entity List EagleML type was removed from Transform & Generic Load solution template destination form. Some object types are extract only and don't have an inbound EagleML interface and therefore should not show up as such in IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #144031.