IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160907


Added Evaluate Object

IWS was enhanced to include support of the Message Center function EVALUATE. The new evaluate object was added to the Advanced ToolBox section of translators.Evaluate allows you to generate COL, STATUS or CODE function using Message Center expression.
This issue was tracked as Item #144171.

Join Object Renamed

Join workflow object was renamed to Workflow Join.
This issue was tracked as Item #114712.

Software Fixes

Fixed Issue with RaiseException and Reason Node

When you used RaiseException object in the MC translator with an EagleML output format, the Reason node was not generated in the output translation rule. This issue occurred when the RaiseException object was placed inside the Group subworksheet. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The RaiseException object is now correctly processed in groups.
This issue was tracked as Item #143693.

Fixed XSLT ForEach Export Issues

In some cases, predicates were removed from XSLT ForEach expressions. In addition, user entered absolute paths were replaced in ForEach expressions when using native code feature. The code was updated to resolve this issues.
This issue was tracked as Item #144826.