IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150429

Advanced Notification

Microsoft .NET Framework to be Upgraded
Please note that IWS will be upgraded to use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 in next week's release. IWS currently uses .NET4.0. This change is being made to align with Eagle's core software, in 2015R2 the New UI upgraded to 4.5. If you do not currently have .NET4.5, you will need to download it once the change is made in order to access IWS. Microsoft .NET4.5 is backward compatible and will also work with the current version of IWS. We will also be introducing a new shortened .exe name for IWS to resolve some isolated issues with the filename length. When these changes are implemented, you will need to perform a one-time action of uninstalling and reinstalling IWS. More details will be provided at that time. Testing is currently underway. These changes are expected to be implemented in the next week. If you have IWS users that still have Windows XP running on their desktop, please note Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not compatible with Windows XP.
This issue was tracked as Item #129522.

Software Fixes

Incorrect Messages When Action Canceled 

If you selected cancel during Publish, Export or Import, you could receive either multiple error messages or an incorrect success status message. The code was updated to resolve this issue. In these cases, you will now only receive one message, indicating that the action was canceled.
This issue was tracked as Item #128129.

Issues When Specific XSLT General Params Areas Clicked 

If you clicked in either the blank area at the bottom of a XSLT General Params object or the top of the horizontal scrollbar, you could unintentionally drag a connection from the bottom row or get a multi select rectangle. The code was updated to resolve these issues.
This issue was tracked as Item #129493. 

Issue Opening Solution From the Solution Explorer 

In rare cases, when you clicked on a solution from the solution explorer tree you could get a remote server error and the solution would not open. The code was updated to resolve this issue. You should now be able to open any solution file from the solution tree.
This issue was tracked as Item #120171.

Issue Refreshing Existing Tasks in Solution Explorer 

If you clicked Refresh under the existing tasks in the Solution Explorer, the bar indicating that the tasks are loading could remain displayed in an in-progress state. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #124751.

Updated AssetResolutionOption to Include MATCH_ALL and FAIL_ON_UNMATCHED 

Related to security resolution, the options list for AssetResolutionOption was updated to include the MATCH_ALL and FAIL_ON_UNMATCHED flags. In addition, there were also some minor UI adjustments around the grid cell editing controls and drop downs.
This issue was tracked as Item #129661.

Enable Map Full Message Option By Default 

When you created an XSLT translator from a template and chose the destination as EagleML GenericSMF , the 'Map full message ...' checkbox is not checked by default. The code was updated so that this checkbox is now selected by default always on all translators.
This issue was tracked as Item #129542. 

XSLT Translator Required Fields

When creating an XSLT translator, if you did not populate all the required information (such as not entering a name or not selecting a specific EagleML model) and clicked Apply, nothing would happen. The screen would remain as it was prior and you would not receive any error messages. The code was improved to display an error message indicating that required information is missing.
This issue was tracked as Item #128556.

Validation of XSLT Translate Expressions

It was possible to save a XSLT Translate in some cases even if the expression was invalid. In these instances, you would not know there was an issue until the process actually ran. The code was updated to include additional validity checks, including that any if then structures are correct.
This issue was tracked as Item #129536.

Issue with "<" Symbol in XSLT Translate Expressions 

If a XSLT Translate expression contained the "<" symbol, it would not compile correctly. The code was updated to address this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #129538.