IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20141210


Added Support of INVAR Parameter for SQL DB MsgExchange
The DB Request (SQL) object was enhanced to include a new 'INVAR' field. This field allows you to input a variable for the message.
This issue was tracked as Item #125256.

Software Fixes

Issue Opening Library Items
If you added a library task to your workflow and also a regular task with the same name and opened it, you could get an incorrect warning message of 'This solution item can not be opened because it is MC stream'. This incorrect warning would only occur in instances where the same named task existed on the drive. In addition, the library status for the added task was not saved with solution and therefore could also lead to this incorrect warning. The code was updated to resolve these issues.
This issue was tracked as Item #125085.

Tags Not Displayed For Library Lookups
Tags were not always shown for library lookups. If you added a lookup from 'Lookup Lib', you could get empty inbound tag list. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The tags will now display as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #125454.

Issues with SQL Lookup Expression Entries
Expressions in SQL Lookups that contained a backlash or a single quote were incorrectly marked as an error during validation checking. This did not prevent you from saving the solution, but could cause confusion since there was actually no issues with the expression. In addition, under certain conditions the context menu available when you right click on the expression you entered could initially display but then disappear. The code was updated to resolve these issues. The invalid warning will no longer show and the context menu will remain displayed when clicked.
This issue was tracked as Item #125558.

Empty or Incomplete Listing in Existing Tasks
You could encounter an issue where streams listed in the 'Existing Tasks' Solution Explorer tree node was empty or only some of the streams displayed. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The streams are now always properly displayed under Existing Tasks.
This issue was tracked as Item #125560.