IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140813


Added Drop Down Lists for "battingOrder" and "assetResolutionOption" Fields
The EagleML fields "battingOrder" and "assetResolutionOption" have been enhanced in IWS so that you can now view and select available values from a drop down list. Additionally, you can use drag and drop feature within the drop down to change your preferred order.
This issue was tracked as Item #121598.

Initially Set "Use common XSD" From w_config.inc File
Logic has been added so that on first initialization, IWS will read from the "w_use_common_eagleml_xsd" parameter in the w_config.inc file to determine the initial setting of the "Use common XSD" option under the Settings Tab. The w_config.inc file is located on the server under the tpe\dynamic\msgcenter\eagle_ml-2-0_cm folder.

This is a one time action during initialization. If you change this parameter in the IWS GUI, it will preserve your change for you locally but it does not update the value in the servers' w_config.inc file.

This issue was tracked as Item #121599.

Software Fixes

Issue with PRF Data Generated for a Workflow
There was an issue with the PRF data generated for a workflow. In IWS can generate either WRF or PRF data for workflow worksheet. The issue was only with PRF data. You can switch between PRF and WRF type in the solution properties. Typically, PRF type is used for simple solutions (for example, 1 transform step and 1 load step) and the WRF type is used in advanced workflows (for example, workflows with decisions or parallel processing). The code was updated to resolve the issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #121607.