IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150506


IWS Now Uses Microsoft .NET 4.5 

IWS has been upgraded to use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 in v1.0.1.393. This change was made to align with Eagle's core software, in 2015R2 the New UI upgraded to 4.5. If you do not currently have .NET4.5, you will need to download it made in order to access IWS v1.0.1.393 or higher. As of May 6, v1.0.1.393 is now on the IWS Test tooltest site. As of May 13, v1.0.1.393 will be pushed to the IWS Production tools site. You will need to perform a one-time action of uninstalling and reinstalling IWS. You should uninstall using Control Panel > Uninstall a program.

Currently, you will only need to uninstall Integration & Workflow Studio (toolstest.eagleaccess.com). After the May 13th push to IWS Production, you will need to uninstall IWS (tools.eagleaccess.com). To reinstall, you will need to use the new URL for the IWS Test Toolstest site: https://toolstest.eagleaccess.com/iws45/index.htm. A new URL for the IWS Prod Tools site will be supplied on May 13th.
This issue was tracked as Item #124965.

IWS Executable Name Shortened

With the introduction of a new URL for the IWS upgrade to .NET 4.5, the executable name was also shortened. The name was shortened to resolve some isolated issues with the filename length. The actual executable name is not actually seen by clients, but the bug is included in the release notes to mention that this change was included. 
This issue was tracked as Item #124649.

Software Fixes

ScriptBar Focus Issue 

If you set focus on any destination or source cell in IWS and then used the Alt+Tab command to switch to another window, when you went back to the IWS window you were not able to click on the script bar. The code was updated to resolve this issue and the scriptbar area will now preserve its focus if you switch between windows.
This issue was tracked as Item #128110. 

Incorrect XSLT ReasonCheck processing 

If you used a XSLT ForEach object with a child ReasonCheck node in a XML to EagleML translator and have do not have any ForEach objects connected with transaction destination node, the Reason node may be not wrapped into 'xsl:for-each' elements on export. This issue would cause incorrect relative path processing. The code was updated to ensure that ForEach elements are no longer skipped in this case.
This issue was tracked as Item #129077.

Column Resize Issue in Data Objects and Lookups 

In some cases when you resize a column in Data objects or any Lookup-like object, the entire shape was moved to the new mouse cursor position. The code was updated so that mouse clicks are now correctly processed in grid header area.
This issue was tracked as Item #129860.

Issue Refreshing Extension List

If you clicked on Open XPanel, clicked on the Refresh Extension list and quickly tried to close the dialog box, IWS could close unexpectedly. The code was updated to include a check for the selected panel to update the list of extensions before closing.
This issue was tracked as Item #129924.

Issue Cancelling a Create New File Request

If you clicked on New File from then Solution Explorer tree and after choosing a Source and Destination and clicking OK, you closed the dialog box while the files were being uploaded, IWS would close unexpectedly. The code was updated to address this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #129964.