IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160316


Simplified DataQuery - SQL DB Request Object

The SQL Request DataQuery has been simplified. The DataQuery - SQL DB Request Object now does not contains any worksheet. All communication with the DataQuery - SQL DB Request Object is now represented by the simple SQL editor form. All dependencies with old SQL lookups in body are now encapsulated.
This issue was tracked as Item #139629.

Software Fixes

Improved Global Exceptions Handling

Global exceptions handling in IWS was improved to avoid having IWS close unexpectedly. All exceptions are now grouped by two types:

  • unhandled error

  • critical error

Unhandled error are automatically handled in code and you can click ignore these errors by clicking Ignore on the error dialog. While critical errors can't be ignored or fully handled within the code, you will now see a stack trace and be able to close IWS gracefully with a saving state.
This issue was tracked as Item #139271.

Extract Object Generated Incorrect Type of Rules

If you selected the type "star to star" in "Extract" object, it generated a type of "STAR2STAR", format of "STAR" and direction of "I". The correct data for all extract shapes should have type of "STAR2TAGVALUE", format of "TAGVALUE" and direction of "O" instead. The code was updated to address this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #139630.