IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20141224


Filters Enabled For All Formats
Filter tabs are now enabled for all formats of Source and Destination objects. Previously, filters were just enabled for EagleML.

This feature has been in the product for a few releases, but had not been formally announced until it was fully tested.

This issue was tracked as Item #124628.

Software Fixes

Column Sorting Issue
If you changed the task format in Source or Destination data object and applied ascending sorting to any column, you could get an incorrect row order starting with blank rows. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The sorting now works as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #125639.

Redundant Context Menu Options
In the context menus for PaceJob, StarJob and Generic Extract objects you would see the options Open and Properties for the same Properties window. Both these options performed the exact same function. The code was updated to remove Open.
This issue was tracked as Item #125704.

Templates Renamed
The templates have been renamed to better reflect their purpose. The Core EagleML Extract has been renamed to Generic Extract, as this template is not just for the EagleML format. The Simple Transform and Generic Load has been renamed Transform and Generic Load. The Simple Load has been renamed Custom Load. For most of your inbound activities, you can use the Transform and Generic Load template. The Custom Load template is used only in special cases, for example when you are working with a specific panel and there is no related interface in EagleML.
This issue was tracked as Item #125768.

Minor Issues with the Generic Extract Template
Several minor issues with the Generic Extract Template have been resolved. The dropdown list for the Extract Name now displays the values in alphabetical order. Basic validation checks are now performed on the date or max records fields to prevent you from entering invalid data. Entity filters for Warehouse Performance extract has been added. In addition, Demand List has been added as an Extract Group.
This issue was tracked as Item #125769.

Potential Issue with Accessing IWS From New Environment
You could potentially run into issues accessing IWS on a new environment for the first time. If you brought up IWS and logged into a new environment and then selected a new solution using a blank template and then clicked OK, IWS could close unexpectedly. This issue occurred only if the new environment did not have the expected folders set up. The code was updated to add proper error handling to identify the issue instead of just closing IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #125869.