IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 201508019


Introduced New Data Query Object
IWS has been enhanced with a new Data Query Object that enables you to wrap technical mappings such as Lookup and ParseDataSet objects. The main objective of the new Data Query Object is to hide the technical details of the mappings and display the relevant items to you. The Data Query Object is located under the Data Queries toolbox. It can be used in Task Translator or XSLT Translator activities.  
This issue was tracked as Item #129524.

Software Fixes

Imported Solution Name Missing from Notification
When you imported a solution, the solution itself imported successfully but the solution name was not included in the notification. The code was updated so that the solution name is now included in the notification.
This issue was tracked as Item #130267.

Removed Unnecessary Options From Toolbar
The default context menus included some options that were still in development. If you selected one of these options, the toolbar could become inaccessible. The code was updated to remove these partial developed options from the main toolbar and Solution Explorer to avoid any confusion.
This issue was tracked as Item #131057.

Issue Exporting With Remove File Option
When you enabled the Remove File option in the Read Data From FTP object's settings and then exported the workflow, the Remove File setting was not actually included in the export. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #132951.