IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150311


Additional Lookups Added to XSLT Lookup Library
The default XSLT lookups library was enhanced to include source_lookup, code_category_lookup and security_resolution_lookup. You can now use these additional lookup templates in your XSLT translators.
This issue was tracked as Item #127903.

Software Fixes

Incorrect % Shown on Zoom

The zoom feature within IWS worked correctly, however the scale always showed as 100%. The code was corrected so that the percentage is adjusted properly as you adjust the zoom.
This issue was tracked as Item #128021.

XSLT Lookup Issues

There were several issues with using XSLT Lookup objects. If you picked a stored procedure from the Select Procedure window in lookups, you could get extra spaces in the procedure name from DB query result and an invalid request on export. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The spaces are now trimmed in Select Procedure window and on export. In addition, output variables are now forced to be named in a lower case for XSLT SQL DB Lookups, as they are case sensitive.
This issue was tracked as Item #127904.

Removed Case Sensitivity for Then and Else

The Then and Else statements in XSLT translator expressions were case sensitive. The code was updated so that they are now case insensitive.
This issue was tracked as Item #127761.

Dropdown Control Still Displayed After Edit Canceled

If you canceled your cell edit for battingOrder or assetResolutionOption fields using the Escape button, the dropdown control for these fields would still be visible on the screen. The code was updated to no longer display this dropdown in this situation.
This issue was tracked as Item #128052.

XSLT ReasonCheck processing outside ForEach subworksheet

Export logic was updated for XSLT 'ReasonCheck' objects placed on main worksheet. If its expression contains variables or aliases owned by one or more ForEach subworksheets, it will generate the same code as if it was added to the deepest ForEach.
This issue was tracked as Item #127142.

Removed Unsupported Options in Menu for XSLT Task

The Add XSLT Loader and Add XSLT Extractor options were removed from context menu for XSLT tasks in Solution Explorer. These options have not actually been implemented yet and therefore should not have been displayed in the menu.
This issue was tracked as Item #127858.

Issue With Cell Focus After Escape Button Used During Edit

While editing a cell, if you pressed the escape button and then focused on another cell and then refocused on the original cell again and actually edited the value, the expression was changed in both cells. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Only the value of the final cell you are focused on is now updated.
This issue was tracked as Item #127859.

Revised Error Message When Specific Extract Not Supported

If you try to use an extract not supported by the environment, you will get the error message that did not easily identify the issue. The error message was changed to be more descriptive. The new message is 'Could not get source columns: the query has returned no data. Please make sure that database management system is supported by the selected extract.'
This issue was tracked as Item #127861.