IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150401

Software Fixes

Added Early Adopter Note on the Install Page

A note has been added on the IWS install page to acknowledge that IWS is currently in an early adopter mode. This note is listed directly below the version and publisher information. The note states 'IWS is currently in early adopter mode. Eagle requests that you contact your Eagle representative prior to using this product.'
This issue was tracked as Item #128636.

Validation Issues With SplitString

When you use a SplitString object in your translator, you could get validation warnings displayed for all attributes, instead of just validating for Expression as expected. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The syntax validation is now performed only for expression in this case.
This issue was tracked as Item #128647. 
Do Not Allow Special Characters in Solution Name

IWS allowed you to enter special characters when you entered a solution name. However, a name with special characters would then produce a remote server error exception. The code was updated so that special characters are not allowed in the name. Now if you enter a special character in the solution name field, you will immediately see an error stating this is not allowed.
This issue was tracked as Item #128661.

Export Issue with XSLT ReasonCheck in ForEach

If you used a XSLT 'ReasonCheck' in 'ForEach' in a subworksheet linked with 'entityTransaction', 'referenceTransaction' or 'warehouseTransaction' EagleML destination node, it could be exported with duplicated 'xsl:for-each' elements. This duplication caused incorrect transformation for multiple messages. The code was updated to resolve this issue. 
This issue was tracked as Item #128797.
Issue with Lock Feature on Worksheet

If you set the Lock option on your worksheet and then tried to drag an item from the toolbox into your solution, IWS could close unexpectedly. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #128676.