IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20151021


Introduced New Custom Hook Object
A new Custom Hook object was added to the workflow activities. It can be added from the ToolBox when you use the MC stream cascading export type. It generates a non-required include call using the entered path.
This issue was tracked as Item #133917.

Allow the Use of Profiles During Scheduled Workflow Runs in Automation Center
Scheduled workflows now can be run from Automation Center with a new custom parameter of 1166 (profile file name).
This issue was tracked as Item #134909.

Software Fixes

XML Path Issue When ForEach is Set to the Child Node
IWS incorrectly generated the XML path when a ForEach is set to the child node. The ForEach logic was updated to include the ability to write the XML path without using alias (example, |node1|) and the expression will be written in the <xsl: for-each select = "" />. Example:

<xsl: for-each select = "./ node / node1" />

This issue was tracked as Item #134157.

Issue with ObjectType After Creating XSLT Solution from Template
When you created a XSLT solution from template, single quotes were incorrectly included in the objectType node. While single quotes are appropriate for the ObjectType for non-XSLT solutions, in an XSLT solution they would result in an 'feed type is not found' error. The code was updated to remove the quotes.
This issue was tracked as Item #134729.