IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20161102

Software Fixes


When you set the XMLADDEMPTYELEMENTS property value in the WorkSheet Properties window of the main worksheet in XML translator, its value is not added to the output rule file. The code was updated to resolve this issue. The XMLADDEMPTYELEMENTS attribute is now added to the BATCHIMPORT node.
This issue was tracked as Item #146286

Initialization Issue

You could run into issues with initialization of the ruleset files immediately after their creation. The code was updated and now all task files will be compiled and automatically saved in cache right after creation.
This issue was tracked as Item #146368.

Issue Detecting Initial Bundle-Based data artifact while running the solution

You could experience an issue with IWS detecting the initial bundle-based data artifact while running the solution. This could result in the workflow starting twice, where one run finishes successfully and the other run hangs. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #146563.

Issues with Overlay for XSLT

It was not possible to update the mapping for the main XSLT from an overlay XSLT. It was also not possible to create two or more overlay for one XSLT. You also could not migrate overlays to other regions. The logic around creating overlays for the XSLT translator was improved to allow for each of the above items.
This issue was tracked as Item #146858

Additional Items

Windows 10 Compatibility
Testing was performed to ensure that IWS can on desktop or laptop that has Windows 10.
This issue was tracked as Item #143485