IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150520

Due to an issue uncovered with Open XPanel after v1.0.1.399 was released, this release will NOT be pushed to IWS Production at all.


Support for new EagleML types 

IWS was enhanced with support for new EagleML types:

  • WarehouseCashFlowProjection

  • WarehouseGLBalances

  • WarehouseNAVMulti

These new objects can be found in 'Warehouse' group of types list for 'EagleML' format in 'Task Format' forms.
This issue was tracked as Item #130412.

Software Fixes

Cancel Issue While Solution is Saving 

While the solution is saving, an upload file progress dialog box is displayed. This dialog box closes automatically when the save is complete. However, it also has a cancel button if you want to cancel the save. The cancel button worked correctly, but if you closed out of the dialog box by clicking on the right hand corner, IWS may close unexpectedly. The code was updated to resolve this issue and will now cancel properly if regardless of whether you use the cancel button or simply close the dialog box.
This issue was tracked as Item #129925.

Unnecessary Nodes Exported With Read Data From FTP 

When you added the task 'Read Data from FTP' to your solution, it included unnecessary nodes upon export. The code was updated to remove this unnecessary, empty node.
This issue was tracked as Item #130350. 

Edit Could Incorrectly Be Applied to Multiple Cells

In certain situations, it was possible that a change you made was applied to two cells instead of the one cell you intended. This issue could occur if you clicked on a value in the Source or Destination grid and made an edit and clicked the Enter key. The focus moved to the next cell. If you then started editing this next cell without using your mouse, both the cell you were previously on and the current cell would get the change. The code was updated to resolve this issue. In the above scenario, the changes will now apply only to the current cell.
This issue was tracked as Item #130450 

Duplicate expressions if Model in Collapsed State During Update

If you updated a model that was in a collapsed state, it was possible that some expressions could be duplicated. The code was update to resolve this issue and the expressions will no longer be duplicated.
This issue was tracked as Item #130217.

EagleML Refresh Option on Destination Object
A new EagleML refresh option has been added to the Destination object. You can now use this button to refresh the EagleML in your existing workflow. The option is located in the bottom right corner. The icon for this option is .
This issue was tracked as Item #130629.

Resolved Several Issues Around Viewing the latest EagleML enhancements in existing workflows

While the main issue of being able to view the latest EagleML enhancements in existing workflows was resolved In IWS v1.0.1.396, there were still a few minor items around this that required you to do additional steps. Several of these issues are now resolved, including:

  • In the translator, the Map Full Message flag setting is now preserved and will show the last state when reopening the Task format form. You no longer need to determine whether or not you need to reselect this prior to updating fields

  • In addition, even if the Map full message flag was not correctly set and you refreshed, this flag will no longer impact the update

  • Previous issues with refresh and the loss of values in the columns: "ConditionToInclude", ContentType", "ExecuteOn", "Scope", "RowsToInclude have been resolved. Values in these columns will be preserved on refresh

  • While there should no longer be any values lost after a refresh, if for some reason there is, a simple warning message will now appear listing the affected fields

This issue was tracked as Item #130552.