IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150408

Software Fixes

Removed Focus From Cancel Button on Log In Screen

In IWS, when you log in to your Eagle environment, on the log in screen when you enter your username and password, the Cancel button has the active focus. With an extra click, you could unintentionally cancel the login. The code was updated so that the Log In button now has the focus instead.
This issue was tracked as Item #128521. 

Export Issue with XPath operators in XSLT expressions

If you used XPath operators like 'div' or 'and' in XSLT expressions, they could be incorrectly exported as a plain text. The code was updated to resolve this issue, expression with variables or aliases and operators are now exported correctly as an 'xsl:value-of' element.
This issue was tracked as Item #128483. 

Export Issue When XSLT ForEach Contained No Expressions in Destination

If you used control objects in XSLT ForEach with no expressions set in the Destination objects, they could not be exported at all. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Code is now always generated if a ForEach subworksheet contains any control object.
This issue was tracked as Item #128871.

Mapping Issues After Applying Changes From ForEach Subworksheet

When you use optional EagleML models in your XSLT ForEach subworksheet, you could face an issue where mapping was incorrectly merged after applying changes, causing mapping offset and duplicated expressions. The code was updated and there are no longer any mapping issues in this case.
This issue was tracked as Item #128872.