IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140619


Added Deletion Solution to the Context Menu
"Delete Solution" has been added to the Context Menu. If you chose this option, you can delete a solution with IWS.
This issue was tracked as Item #110055.

Added New StarParser Function Named CompileExpression
A new StarParser Function, CompileExpression, has been created. This function checks the syntax of expressions.
This issue was tracked as Item #114574.

Added Bundle Based Workflow Creation
IWS was enhanced with a new feature for bundle based workflow creation. The bundle based was added as a property in the begin shape. You should check this property to enable the feature for your workflow.
This issue was tracked as Item #120187.

Added Ability to Store Xslt Tasks in Library
IWS was enhanced to store xslt tasks in the library as well as use xlst tasks from the library in other solutions.
This issue was tracked as Item #120188.

Added XSD Validation Control
A new XSD Validation control has been added to the translator worksheet. This control checks for any values in XML that use custom XSD schemas.
This issue was tracked as Item #120189.

New Properties in Task Shape
Task was enhanced to support user defined name pattern for TSR files. The new properties of TSR File Names and TSR File Name Patterns have been added. For TSR File Name, there are two possible values:

  • Reflecting Incoming File Name

  • Define Custom File Pattern

You would use the TSR File Name Pattern when the TSRFileName is set to 'Define Custom File Pattern'.
This issue was tracked as Item #120190.

Added Additional Tooltip Functions
The list of tooltip functions has been increased. In addition, the descriptions to the existing tooltips were enhanced to be more user friendly.
This issue was tracked as Item #120193.

Enhanced Send/Read FTP Shapes
Additional parameters were added to the Send/Read FTP shapes. These parameters allow for more options when doing custom setup.
This issue was tracked as Item #120194.

Exact File Name Added to Data Artifact Shape
The new property 'exact file name' has been added to the Data Artifact shape. If this property is enabled, only a file with the exact file name can be processed.
This issue was tracked as Item #120195.

Sorted EagleML-2-0 Panel List
The EagleML-2-0 panel list is now sorted in alphabetical order in the source/destination form and also in the XPanel application.
This issue was tracked as Item #120196.

Ability to Create Extensions
IWS was enhanced to allow for the ability to create extensions for the warehouse EagleML type. 

Use of these extensions is currently limited to specific SMF use.

This issue was tracked as Item #120197.

Tranform XML to XML
The XSLT Translator worksheet was enhanced to allow for you to be able to transform any XML to any XML.
This issue was tracked as Item #120199.

Improve Stored Procedure Selection For SQL Request
The process of selecting a stored procedure for an SQL Request shape has been improved to be more user friendly. By clicking on the eclipse, you will now get a pop up window where you can supply the database, package and stored procedure information from dropdowns.
This issue was tracked as Item #120200.

Software Fixes

Issues with Label Overlap
There was an issue with the labels that could result in the text overlapping and therefore making it difficult to read. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #112765.

Issue Accessing After Adding New Subprocess
If you added a subprocess to a workflow area and double clicked on it, you would get a "Remote server error". The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #114048.

Do Not Allow Moving EagleML-2-0 Folder into the Workflow
In IWS, you could move the folder "EagleML-2-0" into your workflow. If you did this, IWS would actually then hang and you would need to close the program. The code was updated to resolve this issue. This action is no longer allowed.
This issue was tracked as Item #114049.

Not All Required Files and Folders Loaded
There were some required files and folders that did not automatically load when you opened IWS. This issue could result in you receiving a "Remote server error" when opening IWS. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #114241.

IWS Closes Upon Length Cannot Be Less Than Zero
If your workflow resulted in a length less than zero issue, you would get an error indicating this issue but then also a subsequent error that 'IWS encountered a problem and needs to close'. The code was updated to resolve this issue. More appropriate, user-friendly messaging and error handling has been added.
This issue was tracked as Item #117633.