IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150805


Added New ExtractDeliveryMethod Extract Parameter
The new ExtractDeliveryMethod control message parameter is now available for Generic Extract and Generic Extract and Transform objects. This parameter value can be set in a Delivery Method combo box of the Properties window for these objects. The valid options are shown as a drop down and include FTP, SFTP, JMS, MQ and EMAIL.
This issue was tracked as Item #130591.

Display Full Titles in Printed Workflows
Full names are now displayed for workflow steps when you use the Print Solution or Print Worksheet options when the Show Full-Length Title flag is enabled. This feature is helpful when longer names are used in your workflow.
This issue was tracked as Item #132581.

Added Ability to Set Result Parameters for DB Request Message Exchange
Result parameter names and types can now be set for the DB Request objects in translators. This allows you to process request result using the ParseDataset object if the selected stored procedure does not return its own string aliases for columns. The parameter names can be added to the Out column in the output grid of the 'DB Request object and the type can be set using the DataType column. The DataType column is string by default.
This issue was tracked as Item #132582.