IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160608


Existing Items List for Add Translator/Router Window

An Existing tab was added to the Add Translator and Add Router windows. This allows you to include items created for this task. Previously, there was no way to include routers and translators to solution tree back again once they were removed.
This issue was tracked as Item #142189.

Software Fixes

Issue with Checked Columns in Element Reduction Profiles

When editing the Element Reduction profiles, the columns checked don't represent the columns in the file. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Also, now before saving a profile you will now get a popup window with checked elements for ensuring the expected elements will be saved in the file. It is also possible to remove elements in this window before the profile saves.
This issue was tracked as Item #141993.

Updates to XSLT Transform Object
The XSLT Transform object was updated. The object now has a Browse button and a popup for the style sheet property. Also, XML parsing error on export when using special characters in its expressions was resolved.
This issue was tracked as Item #142186.

Issue Saving Task Settings

If you add a task from Solution Explorer context menu, its direction and format settings were not saved. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Tasks are now properly generated from Solution Explorer as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #142188.

Duplicate Destination Nodes Issue

If you expand and collapse optional EagleML models in Destination object with Mapped or a custom filter applied, those models may be duplicated after the filter tab is changed. The code was updated to fix the root cause of issue. Also the model expand/collapse operations are now allowed only for Simple and All filters to avoid any confusion.
This issue was tracked as Item #142192.

Error When Opening Rule File that Starts with Comment

If you open a Message Center rule that begins with a XML comment in File System mode, you could get XML parsing error message. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Message Center rules are now correctly processed for that case.
This issue was tracked as Item #142193.