IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20150708

Software Fixes

Decision Object Not Working With Message Center Cascading Workflows 

The decision object did not work with Message Center cascading workflows. The code was updated so that the decision object can now be used in these workflows and will behave the same way as in EJM workflows. You can place the decision object in your workflow, enter the condition criteria and attach the true and false branches. In addition, the Worksheet Toolbox and object properties has been updated to display only supported objects and properties. This means that for EJM and Message Center workflows some different objects and properties are displayed depending on which workflow execution type you have. To change the workflow execution type, click on the properties button on toolbar and change the type. The set of available objects will then change automatically.

If you change the execution type after you have already created your workflow and have used objects that are not valid on the new execution type, currently you unfortunately will not be warned that these objects are no longer valid. Eagle plans to address this gap in a future release.

This issue was tracked as Item #131382. 

Issue with Filters in EJM Processes Window 

The filters in the EJM processes window did not update after you reran the process. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Now, if you rerun a workflow, the EJM processes tab will be updated and correctly display the started process.
This issue was tracked as Item #131745. 

Incorrect Expression Overwrite Dialog Result Issue 

If you selected the No button when the 'Do you want to replace expression' dialog was displayed, expression was not overwritten, but the connection was still created in user interface. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #131782. 

Filter Option in ParseDataset Objects 

ParseDataset object now supports Filter attribute generation for the FOREACH nodes. The filter expression can be entered in 'FILTER' row of the inbound grid.
This issue was tracked as Item #131814.

Validation Check on Workflow Events and Activities Name 
IWS has been updated so that workflow events and activities name properties will no longer allow you to type in a symbol that is not actually supported.
This issue was tracked as Item #131732.