IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20151007


Added Select All Feature in Extract Element Reduction
In the XPanel tab Extract Element Reduction, the column where you select the fields has been relocated to the first column. In addition, the header for this column now has a checkbox in it. If you select the checkbox in the header, all the fields will be selected. If the checkbox is selected and you unselected it, all the fields will be unselected. You can still also individually select the fields you want to include by selecting the checkbox on the individual field rows.
This issue was tracked as Item #134132.

Visual Cue on Fields that Can't be Excluded in Extract Element Reduction
In the Extract Element Reduction feature, the query stream has certain set of fields that aren't subject to being excluded. Even if you unchecked the Use option for these fields, they would be included in the export. To make it more intuitive to the user, these rows are now grayed out to indicate that they can not be excluded.
This issue was tracked as Item #134133.

Added Ability to Export Multiple Workflows at Once
IWS has been enhanced to allow you to export multiple workflows at once instead of having to export each workflow individually. Upon export, it creates one main package and underlying packages with selected solutions. To import them into Message Center, you need to only import the main package. The main package name includes "* _main.pkg" in the file name. For your convenience when building a package, all files previously selected into a solution will be displayed in a tree where you can select the files you want to export. You can access this feature from the Solutions Bundle option available on the "E" perl dropdown.
This issue was tracked as Item #130352

Software Fixes

Display Issue with Long Grid Cell Values
If you applied sorting to the Source or Destination grid column, the long values in previous column were cropped even if the values in sorted column were empty. The code was updated to resolve this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #134400.