IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20151209



Generic Extract and Enrichment Template
A new template, Generic Extract and Enrichment, was added to the IWS standard Templates. This template generates a workflow with four steps:

  1. Generic Extract with selected options,

  2. direct STAR to CSV extract transformation steam

  3. Enrichment task (if set)

  4. any number of Layout tasks with selected names

This issue was tracked as Item #135173.

New Source System Parameter Added to Performance Template
A new Source System parameter is now available for the Performance template. You can set the source system for a known vendor for generating a custom loader in the Performance implementation template.
This issue was tracked as Item #136591.

Ability to Add XSL Code Before EagleML Code
You can now add xsl code a before EagleML node and this code will be generated at level up the base transformation. To do this, right click on a cell in the XSLT destination grid and select Insert native code to row.
This issue was tracked as Item #134403.

Ability to Use Native Code in Data Query Object
A new Data Query object template of Native Code has been added. After you add a Data Query object to your workflow, click on edit and select the new template type of Native Code. You can then enter your specific code.
This issue was tracked as Item #136384.

Software Fixes

Clipboard Issue with Data Query
The default content of Data Query templates that use the ParseDataset object was updated with ForEach record counter reset logic. This change ensures there is no conflicts when you use several Data Query objects created using clipboard.
This issue was tracked as Item #136583.

Data Query Rename Issue
The Data Query object was updated so that you can no longer rename it when it has outgoing connections. This change was made to avoid lost mapping issues.
This issue was tracked as Item #136584.

Issue Exporting CSV Data Rows with Empty Names
If some CSV name fields were empty after edit, the export would exclude these rows. The code was updated to resolve this issue and CSV data rows with empty names will now export as expected.
This issue was tracked as Item #136592.