IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160518


Added Support for Additional Extract Types

The following extract types were added to the Extract Properties and I2I Template forms:

  • Settled Cash Activity

  • Subscribe Redeem

  • Unsettled Transactions

  • Entity Share Class

  • Entity Entitlement List

  • Ledger Notes

  • Forward Points

  • Factor

  • Accounting Trade

  • Financial Event

  • Accrued Income

  • Daily Yield Mill Rate

  • Cash Journal

  • Custom Ledger Account

  • Open Rec Pay Multi

  • Realized Gain Loss

  • Consearned Income

  • Distribution Activity

  • Trade Quotes

This issue was tracked as Item #141630.

Software Fixes

Issue with Input parameters for Data Lookups

Input parameters are not automatically filled when applying Data Lookup settings on some environments. The code was updated to resolved this issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #140458.

Removed Incorrect Popup Message On Run

Immediately after you clicked on the Run button, you would get a pop-up window with the message "The workflow was run successfully". However, this message was not necessarily accurate as in reality the execution process could take some time and might even fail. The message was removed to avoid confusion. In addition, a task progress windows with timer was added.
This issue was tracked as Item #141382.

XML parsing Error When Saving Text Files

When you opened a non-XML file using File System mode, you could not close and save it. Instead, you would get an XML parsing error. This issue was due to an incorrect validation. The code was updated to resolve this issue. Validation is now enabled only for the standard Message Center rule file types.
This issue was tracked as Item #141544.

Missing Namespace Attributes for the EagleML XSLT Destination

If you created or refreshed an EagleML XSLT destination, its default attributes were not added to the Destination object. The code was updated to resolve this issue. EagleML namespace attributes are now correctly generated for new objects. For the existing ones, you should use use 'Refresh' or 'Set Destination' button of your object to refresh its model.
This issue was tracked as Item #141643.

Invalid EagleML Model Expression Generation in XSLT Translators

When you set a condition expression for the optional EagleML model in XSLT translator, it was exported as MC code, causing possible invalid XSLT output file generation. The code was updated to resolve this issues. All Destination expressions are now correctly processed.
This issue was tracked as Item #141647.