IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20160420

Software Fixes

Issue with ReadHeader and ReadFooter

The ReadHeader and ReadFooter objects only parsed the first two values. The code was updated and seven more items were added to there ReadHeader and ReadFooter objects.
This issue was tracked as Item #129984.

Issues with Publish Button

In a previous release, we simplified the Build & Publish process so that there is just one button and IWS determined automatically the steps to take. However, if there were issues due to no cache stream installed during these steps, you could get an error telling you had to use the Build and Publish button instead, but that button was actually not visible. The code was updated so that in these cases, the Build & Publish button will now be available on Task Dialog error screen. You will be able to download all solutions files manually and then it would be published. If cache is enabled, all files that need for build package will be downloaded by a single request. Otherwise, all files will be downloaded one by one (this may take a few minutes). 
This issue was tracked as Item #140605.

Security Certificate Issue
The original security certificate had expired which prevented new users from installing IWS. The certificate has been updated.
This issue was tracked as Item #140735.