IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20141119

Software Fixes

Improved Error Message When Environment Issues Prevent IWS Use
If there were issues in your environment such as services being down, you were not able to log in using IWS. However, the error message was unclear that the problem was actually environment related instead of IWS product related. The code was updated to provide a more informative error message to indicate you can not use IWS due to an environment issue.
This issue was tracked as Item #123045.

Removed 'From External' in Transformation Setup
The 'From External' button was removed as an option during transformation set up. This functionality was not yet fully developed and was also a more advanced concept. It was removed to simply the user experience.
This issue was tracked as Item #123884.

Removed Save/Load Solution to Local Drive Options
'Save Solution to Local Drive' and 'Load Solution from Local Drive' were removed from the menu. These options only displayed on the menu; they did not show on the solutions toolbar. They were removed at this time to help simplify the user experience.
This issue was tracked as Item #123969.

Clarifications around PRF and WRF
The use of PRF and WRF in the solutions properties was confusing. These options were relabeled to be more descriptive. PRF has been changed to display in the solutions properties under export type as 'Use MC Stream Cascading to control execution' and WRF has been changed to display as 'Use EJM Framework to control execution'. In addition, the PRF Subprocess object was removed from the Toolbox. As a best practice, when creating a new solution you should always start with a template when possible. In this case, the template will automatically populate the property appropriately. You can still view or change this if necessary from the solutions properties window. 

Any workflow that previously was created using the PRF Subprocess does not need to be updated. It will still function as expected.

This issue was tracked as Item #124347.

No Warning Message When Trying To Open Message Center Stream
If you attempted to open an item that could not actually be opened in IWS because it was a Message Center stream, you would not get any warning or error when you right clicked to open. The code was updated to resolve this issue. If a specific item can not be opened because it is a Message Center stream, you will now receive an informative message stating this reason.
This issue was tracked as Item #124426.

Removed 'Close All Tabs Without Save' Option from the Toolbar
'Close All Tabs Without Save' was removed from the solution toolbar. This item was not needed nor highly used. Therefore, it was removed to simplify the user experience.
This issue was tracked as Item #124733.

Incorrect Column Order In Specific Sorting Cases
In Source and Destination data objects, you could encounter an incorrect column order in the output rule file if the EagleML model was collapsed or expanded with sorting enabled or if sorting was used inside a Group. The code was updated to resolve these issues. There are no longer any issues with the column order when sorting is used in these cases.
This issue was tracked as Item #124847.

IWS Closed Unexpectedly If There Were Issues Accessing Library Items
If you tried to access a library item and there was an issue such as a connection problem, you would receive a remote server error and IWS would close unexpectedly. The code was updated to resolve this issue. This error is now handled properly.
This issue was tracked as Item #124968.