IWS Release Notes - Version

Initially released to IWS Test on 20140910


Added 'Set Result Columns' for XSLT DB Lookup Settings
The new setting 'Select Result Columns' has been added to the for XSLT DB Lookup object in the XSLT worksheet. You can specify the custom out (result) parameters to DB lookup. You will need to the select Stored Procedure (OCI or OLE DB type) before using this setting.
This issue was tracked as Item #122518.

Removed Work Offline Option
The Work Offline option has been removed from IWS login screen for security and focused quality purposes. All IWS solutions must be created or modified after connecting onto an Eagle environment from the login screen.
This issue was tracked as Item #122519.

Software Fixes

Task Unpacker Replaces Unzip Object
The Unzip object has been replaced by Task Unpacker. The main purpose of Task Unpacker is to unzip incoming files similar to Unzip. However, additional properties that did not exist in Unzip were added, such as Archive type and Send Notification Emails. The Task Unpacker is backward compatible, so there is no action required on your part if you had an existing workflow that used Unzip. After discussion with Product Management, Task Unpacker will actually be rebranded as Task Uncompress in the next release.

This change was actually made in an earlier version of the release prior to implementing IWS Weekly Release process. We have noted it in this release note to ensure the item has been properly documented.

This issue was tracked as Item #114365.

Added Error Message To Indicate Invalid XML
In the XSLT worksheet, if you loaded to a Source or Destination grid XML from a file that contained special characters, IWS did not indicate there that the XML was incorrect and passed the XML into the grid. This resulted in an invalid XSLT file. The code was updated to provide an error message indicating there the XML is invalid. In this case, it will not pass the XML into the grid.
This issue was tracked as Item #122523.