MC2 Release Notes - May 02 2023
MC2 Release Notes - May 02 2023
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2023.05.02.1
EAGLEML 2023.05.02.1
EAGLEML-without-overlays 2023.05.02.1
MC2 2023.4.2
kafkaservice 2023.3.1
pypy 2022.10.2
pyruleservice 2023.4.20
SDP-73158 EDS issue retrieving data from a stored procedure
Corrected EDS issue with retrieving results from a stored procedure
Corrected EDS issue with retrieving results from a stored procedure
SDP-72286 Load failing due to extra record being processed
Corrected issue parsing xml with extremely large object
Updated common_core/descriptor/xmldescriptor.py to correctly parse an xml file containing an extremely large transaction.
SDP-72226 MC2 Core: Python Translator : Parser Error
Corrected issue with parsing large json objects
Corrected issue with parsing large json objects