MC2 Release Notes - May 31 2022
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2022.05.31.5
EAGLEML 2022.05.31.5
EAGLEML-W-O 2022.05.31.5
MC2 2022.5.2
kafkaservice 2022.5.2
pypy 2021.11.1
pyruleservice 2022.5.53
openjdk version "11.0.14" 2022-01-18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.14+9)
pace report service (installed separately): pace-reportservice-1.0.10.jar
Install pyruleservice specific version 2022.5.56 after All Services install
to correct SDP-65138 (pyruleservice intermittently skips execution)
SDP-61949 The inflow API has a hardcoded path to eagle staging folder
Updated inflow endpoint to determine path based on configuration
Updated the inflow REST endpoint code to determine patch to the cmw_staging_folder directory based on configured MCDataFolder, so the logic will function correctly under non-standard paths.
SDP-61771 Change kafkaservice to produce log file names with same pattern as MC2
modified log file naming of MC2 kafkaservice to match MC2 extractservice
Modified the log file naming of the MC2 kafkaservice to match that of MC2, using pattern MMDDHH.mc2kafkaservice_PID.log (and MMDDHH.mc2kafkaservice_PID.log.# if the size exceeds 10MB).
rw-rw-rw 1 eagle einstall 6918 May 17 11:55 051711.mc2kafkaservice_34239.1.log
rw-rw-rw 1 eagle einstall 39185 May 17 12:55 051712.mc2kafkaservice_34239.1.log
rw-rw-rw 1 eagle einstall 3643 May 17 13:30 051713.mc2kafkaservice_34239.log