MC2 Release Notes - March 06 2025

MC2 Release Notes - March 06 2025

Version to enter for All Services install: 2025.03.06.1

SDP-95483 The Pace Report Service proxy endpoints fail with "No worker available" error

Corrected intermittent issue with Pace Report Service proxy

Corrected intermittent error "No worker available" with Pace Report Service proxy


SDP-95455 Pace Report Service - expose the new dateRules endpoint in the swagger UI in MC2

Expose the new Pace Report Service dateRules endpoint in the swagger UI

Now exposing the new Pace Report Service dateRules endpoint in the MC2 swagger UI


SDP-95209 Add support for secure REDIS to stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds

Added support for secure REDIS to stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds

The stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds will now function in environments where secure REDIS has been enabled.


SDP-94914 Change the components.json configuration file to reflect the changed class names for IBM MQ JMS classes

Updated components.json to reflect latest class name for IBM MQ

Updated components.json to reflect latest class name for IBM MQ: com.ibm.mq.jakarta.jms.MQConnectionFactory


SDP-93991 MC2 pyruleservice: do not log credentials passed to Configurations endpoint

Pyruleservice will not log the credentials when credentials are passed to the configuration's endpoint.

Updated pyruleservice to not log credentials when credentials are uploaded.


SDP-93990 NetSPI - 1680629514 - Cache Control header in MC2 replies (REST endpoint)

Added cache control header to MC2 REST endpoints

Added cache control header to replies from MC2 REST endpoints:

Cache-Control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate


SDP-93774 Build a REDIS distribution for MC2 with new openssl libraries

Shipping MC2 Redis with updated openssl libraries

Shipping MC2 Redis with updated openssl libraries


SDP-93733 Change MC2 to run pyruleservice worker 1 as Cache Manager

The pyruleservice worker 1 will not execute EDS requests. The default number of pyruleservice workers increased to 5.

The pyruleservice worker 1 will not execute EDS requests, it will handle only Cache Manager. The default number of pyruleservice workers is increased to 5 from 4.


SDP-92713 Python XML2XML: Data is taken for wrong record based on txnheadernodename

Fixed XML descriptor buffer bug

Fixed a bug in XML descriptor which was causing issues with incorrect transaction header parsing

The issue was related to the bytes buffer split of the transaction. Header was not preserved in case the transaction was split perfectly in between, if header was split in half, or was left in previous buffer after the split.

Files changed:



SDP-90538 NetSPI - 1680629514 - Cache Control header in MC2 replies (SOAP and actuator endpoints)

Added cache control header to replies from MC2 SOAP and actuator endpoints

Added cache control header to MC2 SOAP and actuator endpoints:

Cache-Control: no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate


SDP-87247 Change the MC2 health endpoint logic to return UP only if all MC2 Load Balancer instances are up

Updated MC2 health endpoint to return UP only if all MC2 LB instances are up

Updated MC2 health endpoint to return UP only if all MC2 Load Balancer instances in the cluster are up


SDP-56460 Update ejm.rest.timeout to 3600 (1 hour) and change error message.

Timeout for REST pace report service calls has been changed from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Timeout values for REST pace report service calls has been changed from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Timeout message has been improved.

SDP-95356 PACE Report Service: get execution status for asynchronous request is failing

Corrected issue with retrieving status

Corrected issue retrieving status of asynchronous requests