MC2 Release Notes - December 13 2022
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2022.12.13.1
EAGLEML 2022.12.13.1
EAGLEML-W-O 2022.12.13.1
MC2 2022.12.1
kafkaservice 2022.12.1
pypy 2022.10.2
pyruleservice 2022.12.14
openjdk version "11.0.16" 2022-07-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.16+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.16+8, mixed mode)
pace report service (installed separately):
SDP-68474 Delta timestamp is not updated after extract executed in stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds
Corrected an issue with stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds
Corrected issue with stream eagle_ml-2-0_default_cm_exec_eds that was treating a warning as an error
SDP-68387 EDS timeout should only inspect parameters in RTR header
Corrected issue with EDS timeout handling RTR parameters
Updated EDS timeout to only consider parameters in the header and ignore any parameters in the task parameters list.
SDP-68382 Error reported using eql endpoint with POST and distributionprofile
Corrected issue with error status reported with eql endpoint via POST specifying a distribution profile
Corrected an issue where an error status was returned when submitting a POST body containing a distribution profile name to the eql endpoint, even though the result was in fact successfully distributed.
SDP-68320 Allow users to access data that is stored in footer
Enabled EDS to reference data elements in footer
Enabled EDS to reference data elements in footer
SDP-67773 Add processing for CANCEL RTR requests
Enabled canceling an EDS request by specifying correlationId in RTR
Enabled canceling an EDS request by specifying the correlationId of request to be canceled and actionType CANCEL in an RTR, e.g.
SDP-66576 [EDS] RTR parsing failure should be clear for clients
Parsing error in RTR sent to EDS was not reported to user
Updated RTR parsing in EDS so that a parsing error will be reported to user