MC2 Release Notes - May 04 2021
SDP-43549 Update kafka and ZooKeeper versions
Updated kafka and zookeeper versions
Updated kafka and zookeeper versions
SDP-46760 MC2 ReST Interface Does Not Pass GET URL Parameters Which Are All Uppercase
Corrected issue with uppercase parameters in GET method URL of ReST requests
Corrected issue with MC2 ReST interface where uppercase parameters e.g. PACE_REPORT_TYPE in the GET method URL were not getting passed to the underlying extract.
SDP-47814 Issue with chunks processing in xml parser
Resolved issue with chunks processing in xml parser
The file is read in parts. There are records in file. The start position of the next record was always 0 when we read the next part of the file. Added logic to find the start position of the record in the case when we read the next part of the file and write it to the buffer.
SDP-48243 Enable configuration of email body in email configuration inside Distribution Profiles
Enabled configuration of email body inside Distribution Profiles
Added "body" attribute to the EMAIL delivery type within EDS Distribution Profiles.
See: Distribution Profiles
SDP-48326 Extract Service does not return a reply if the REST HTTP Request has long strings in HTTP headers
Updated MC2 to drop internal headers before returning http reply
Updated MC2 to drop internal headers before returning http reply to minimize overall size of http headers.
SDP-48785 The EQL Endpoint is not Properly Applying Entitlements based on x-eagle-username
Corrected issue with user permissions and EQL endpoint
Corrected issue with user permissions and EQL endpoint, where the user's Business Group was not being applied to the REST request.
SDP-49378 Update Ontology for empty source_type_dialect
Updated Ontology for empty source_type_dialect
The logic of source type dialect generation was changed for elements that have number or date types.
SDP-49388 EDS interfaces with RTR as dataset fail if executed under mc2 (control message or SOAP)
Corrected issue with EDS interface with RTR as dataset
Corrected issue with EDS interface with RTR as dataset
SDP-49390 PACE Report Service OLAP Requests fail to execute
Corrected issue with PACE Report Service
Corrected issue executing PACE OLAP reports through the adhocReport REST endpoint
SDP-49654 Add version information to Ontology Catalog Output
Added version information to Ontology Catalog Output
GET request returns a list of available resources, including version information:
{ "resources":
[ { "id": "warehousetrade",
"url": "/eagle/v2/metadata/models/warehousetrade",
"methods": [ "extract" ],
"scope": "core",
"resource_version": "2.0.1" },
{ "id": "warehouseposition",
"url": "/eagle/v2/metadata/models/warehouseposition",
"methods": [ "extract", "load" ],
"scope": "core",
"resource_version": "2.0.1" } ] }