MC2 Release Notes - October 19 2021
Component versions
Version to request for All Services install: 2021.10.19.1
openjre: 2021.10.1
EAGLEML 2021.10.19.1
EAGLEML-W-O 2021.10.19.1
MC2 2021.10.1
kafkaservice 2021.10.1
pypy 2021.9.1
pyruleservice 2021.10.68
SDP-55690 The metadata REST request does not return data
Corrected issue with ReST metadata requests
Corrected issue with ReST metadata requests e.g. the eagle/v2/metadata/models endpoint
SDP-55472 Discrepancy of Business Task Id and FeedType in ReST call
Corrected discrepancy of Business Task Id and Feed Type in ReST calls.
Corrected discrepancy of Business Task Id and Feed Type in ReST calls.
SDP-55430 missing data in EDS cache after full refresh
Corrected issue with DB descriptor
Corrected issue with DB descriptor; now resetting all attributes of descriptor.
SDP-55357 Distribution profile email sink delivers 2 emails
Corrected an issue with multiple executions of pyruleservice requests.
Corrected an issue with multiple executions of pyruleservice requests.
SDP-54810 Improve Ontology query API
Improved Ontology query API
Added category and hasAsOf parameters in Ontology query result. Also added resourcescope filter, which may have values "core" or "custom". Allows to generate result for only all core or custom resources.
SDP-54661 Pyruleservice kafka consumer does not remove invalid message from kafka and enters an endless loop
Corrected issue with pyruleservice putting invalid message into an endless loop
Corrected an issue where pyruleservice would continually put a message back into kafka queue if the message could not be parsed
SDP-54499 Improve Ontology Canonical Model JSON Output to Include dbinfo
Added DB info into Ontology Resource Model Output
Added field length, owner name, table name, column name in resource model. Example GET:
SDP-54424 MC2 temp files not deleted
Added purge of temporary files to MC2
Added configurable purge of temporary files to MC2.
Defaults specified in estar/tpe/cfg/eaglemc2s/extractservice/application.yml.template:
purgeHours: 1
- data/mc2/temp/*.tmp
- data/mc2/redis/*.bkp
- data/mc2/redis/temp-*.rdb
SDP-53097 EDS source mashups ignore the FailOnExceedingMaxrows parameter
Corrected issue with EDS source mashups ignoring the FailOnExceedingMaxrows parameter
Corrected issue with EDS source mashups ignoring the FailOnExceedingMaxrows parameter. Source mashups will now return an error message if FailOnExceedingMaxrows = Y and any of the underlying queries return more than MaxRows rows.
SDP-52350 EDS: Compress does not work with big data
Corrected issue with maximum compressed output size in EDS
Corrected an issue with EDS where the maximum size of compressed output was 128mb.
SDP-55667: Change the EDS Reply Consumer in MC2 to consume from earliest message
The EDS Replies Kafka Consumer Configuration in Extract Service Was Changed To Consume All Messages From The Topic
The EDS replies Kafka consumer configuration in Extract Service was changed to consume all messages from the EDS Replies topic. The previous policy to consume only the latest messages can potentially lead to EDS replies staying in progress if the EDS request was processed before the EDS replies consumer started.