MC2 Release Notes - November 16 2023

MC2 Release Notes - November 16 2023


SDP-79358 Start indexing RECORD_ID from 0 for table MSGCENTER_DBO.MSG_REJECTIONS

MC2 now starting record_id at 0 when inserting into MSGCENTER_DBO.MSG_REJECTIONS

MC2 now starting record_id at 0 when inserting rejection records into MSGCENTER_DBO.MSG_REJECTIONS table


SDP-79149 RUNSTREAM does not complete if the number of records in the file is 0

Corrected issue with MC2 RUNSTREAM and zero records

Corrected issue with MC2 rule processor, where RUNSTREAM rule item would not complete if number of records in file was zero.


SDP-76301 Add support to disable the API DOC and Swagger UI

Enabled option to disable API DOC endpoint or Swagger UI

To disable the API DOC endpoint and/or Swagger UI, add the below section to estar/tpe/dynamic/mc2/cfg/extractservice.yml (create the file if needed) and cycle MC2.

--- spring: profiles: extractservice-lb application: name: extractservice-lb eagle.enable.swagger-ui: false eagle.enable.api-doc: false