MC2 Release Notes - June 30 2020
Latest build: 2020.06.30.2
SDP-39201 MC2 Service Installer Fails To Install Services On All Nodes
As of version 2020.06.30.2
Corrected Issues With MC2 Services Installer On Environments With Multiple Nodes
MC2 Services Installer was failing to install the services on all nodes on environments with several nodes. To correct this issue the following changes were implemented:
The extraction of MC2 Services Installer was changed so that it occurs only once.
The MC2 Service Installer logs will be written in separate files for each of the nodes in the environment
The extraction of installation files from the installer was changed to update the timestamp of the files to current time,
to prevent the purge processes from removing the installation files before the installer completed the installation.
New version of Pace ReportService client
New version is available: pace-reportservice-1.0.3.jar
The jar must be installed separately; refer to this page for instructions to install the client jar file:
Installing Pace Report Service
SDP-31107 Support Benchmark Override in REST API
Benchmark override support in OLAP REST API
New feature for overriding the benchmark is supported in OLAP REST API. This allows the user to override the benchmark either 'with another assignment of benchmark' or 'with other entity'. In addition to this, one more REST Endpoint is exposed to get the list of benchmark definitions as Eagle supports multiple benchmark definitions. This additional endpoint makes the user flexible to pick and choose the exact benchmark definition name while providing the override information for benchmark in request payload of API.
SDP-37212 Revise XREF fields in genericsmfhistory EDS Interface
Errors in XREF fields in genericsmfhistory EDS interface are corrected
Identifier condition in sub queries was incorrect.
Also some values of xref type for identifiers in sub queries condition contained typos, so filtration always returned empty result. Fixed:
SDP-37108 Allow user to use data set based on non-csv file in mashup
Allow user to use dataset based on non-CSV file in mashup
Before this work was completed any file that was used in a mashup was read line by line as if it was a CSV file.Changed the code so that formats with nodes such as XML and JSON can be utilized in mashups.
SDP-37170 Design a clearer error message when the comparison interface fails with - "Cannot fetch source … Must have exactly one of read/write/create/append mode error"
Designed clearer error message for comparison interface and fixed error that was in datasets which have type "file"
There is an RTR that defines ebs interface for comparing two files and links to these files. If the file links were not defined the error described in the task occurred.
Also there was a problem with datasets that have type File. By default source query policy must be defined with SQL templates in datasets. For datasets that have type file source query policy is not defined so an error occurred.
This error was fixed by adding processing for datasets that have File type.
SDP-37155 Change effectivedate filters in entityshareclass dataset
Change EDS entityshareclass Interface effectiveDate Filter
We changed the effectiveDate filter to use the correct field load_effective_date in the entityshareclass EDS Interface as the table does not have effective_date.
SDP-37064 Allow users to define delta cache check parameters
EDS Delta Cache: allow for additional filters for delta cache updates
Updated EDS delta cache to allow additional filters to be defined for delta cache updates. This is intended primarily for time series objects, for example to use effective date in addition to update date. See EDS Delta Cache Update
SDP-37057 Trim spaces for columnAliases
The logic that assigns names to columns is fixed and works correctly if spaces are in "columnAlias" parameter in bind file.
SDP-36770 python match operation fails with empty source file
Python match operation fails with empty source file
When we were using the comparison interface with an empty sourcemashup file there was an error that occurred. We are now able to successfully have the comparison run successfully even while the source files may be empty.
SDP-36759 EDS: Improve fetch from DB for EDS extracts
Redesign EDS Query Generation Approach
We made a change for the EDS query generation in terms of NUMBER data base field. Additional logic was added for such fields, in order to make some formatting on the query step instead of validate and convert each number on transformation step. The only noticeable change is that decimal numbers where float piece is equal 0, will look in output like this:
255 instead on 255.0
0 instead of 0.0for all other numbers there should be no changes.
How query looks before and after changes on REC_COUPON field: Before: MASTERTABLE.REC_COUPON REC_COUPON,
SDP-33493 Python XML2XML: Add possibility to add file mask instead of object type in additional destination
Added ability to set outfilepattern for exact adtnl_dest in RTR or in metadata.RTR example:<taskParameter><name>exact_adtnl_dest_id.outfilepattern</name><value>FeedType_CUSTOMADTNL1_p@P#.@EXT</value></taskParameter>
Example in metadata:"adtnl_dests": [{"id": "exact_adtnl_dest_id","emlObjectType" : "GenericIssueAnalytic","emlTxnType" : "referenceTransaction","outfilepattern": "@CORRIDP#.@EXT",...
SDP-32947 Implement Delta cache updates
Implemented a cache manager for EDS for automated delta cache updates
Implemented a cache manager for EDS that will poll configured tables for updates and update the cache with delta as needed. The cache manager runs as part of pyruleservice and reads custom cache profiles. See Delta Cache Update for detail on cache profiles.
SDP-38031 remove the WF reinit step from the installer
Removed an unneeded reinit step from installer
Removed an unneeded reinit step from installer that was causing an error in Windows environments.
SDP-37770 Swagger UI needs to be updated for new REST Endpoint for Benchmark definitions
Added new REST endpoint for retrieving benchmarks in OLAP REST API
New REST Endpoint is exposed to get the list of benchmark definitions for OLAP reports via REST.Resource Path : /eagle/report/v1/benchmarkDefinitions+Method : +GET
SDP-37428 updated rules to allow for MC installer stream to install all rules
updated eagle_mc_server_installer rules for new package of all rules
Updated the rules for the eagle_mc_server_installer stream to be able to install new mc2rules package which contains all rules ( and (without overlays) packages).
SDP-37378 update MC2 service hazelcast configuration
Updated MC2 hazelcast configuration
Updated MC2 hazelcast configuration to always read from database, and to ignore MC2 service nodes file if present.
SDP-37375 New package to allow for installer stream to install all rules
Created new package to enable installing all rules
Created new package to enable installing all rules without installing AllServices from panel.
( and (without overlays) packages)
SDP-37050 Improvements for Eagle Camel-Kafka Component
Improved error handling of camel-kafka routes
Improved error handling of camel-kafka routes on init
SDP-36390 Installer: update PGH repository
Updated Installer for new PGH Repository
Updated Installer to refer to new PGH repository location
SDP-36135 Update Installer to use the DR Installer script to install the MC2 services (rules)
Updated Installer to use D.R. Installer to install MC2 services
Updated Installer to use D.R. Installer to install MC2 services
SDP-34918 Update Installer to use the DR Installer script to install the MC2 services (workflow)
Updated Installer to use the D.R. Installer to install MC2 services
Updated Installer to use the D.R. Installer to install MC2 services
SDP-34105 Add support for FullSubprocessTSR flag in MC2 EJM processing
Updated MC2 EJM processing to match MC regarding the FullSubprocessTSR flag.
Added support to MC2 EJM for the FullSubprocessTSR flag that enables consolidated TSR creation for subprocesses. When set, task_reporter sets FAILED status for a subprocess if any step of the subprocess has FAILED status.
SDP-37541 OLAP REST API's Entities endpoint supporting Custom entity types
OLAP REST API's Entities endpoint supporting Custom entity types
The OLAP REST APIs were enhanced to support custom entity types. The fetch in the Entities endpoint of GET method in REST API was modified to support custom entity types created from the base entity types such as Composites (COMP) and Portfolios (PORT). Prior to the enhancement only the base entity types were supported.
SDP-37255 Entities By Type endpoint of REST API is not supporting SUB and AGG
REST Endpoint supporting the entity types SUB and AGG
REST Endpoint of GET method to fetch Sub portfolios and Aggregate type of entities were not working as expected. This is fixed and now working similar to other entity types like portfolios, Composites etc. This is an existing endpoint and can be used the same as earlier by apply filter in the end point with entity types for which the results are expected.
SDP-35626 Support Currency Conversion Overrides in OLAP REST API
Support Currency Conversion Overrides in OLAP REST API
There was an issue with OLAP REST API for Composite Analysis reports, Performance Analysis reports, and Positions reports whereby constituents and benchmarks were not converted to profile entity's base currency. The 'Convert constituents and benchmark to Composite Currency' has been enabled in order to resolve the issue for Composite Analysis reports. Additionally, the' Convert benchmark to Portfolio base currency' has been enabled for Performance Analysis and Positions reports.
SDP-36485 Add option to exit with error if maxrows of data returned
EDS: Add option to exit with error if maxrows of data returned
Introduced error message "More than X rows of data returned" when new parameter "FailOnExceedingMaxrows" is set to "Y" on the request or defined in w_custom_config. This is so a client can set the "maxrows" parameter on the request to a specific number of rows, and the extract will fail if the result set exceeds that amount. The client may than realize they maybe they requested too much data, didn't use the right filters, etc. If the request fails for this reason the file will be removed and not saved on the server.
SDP-35486 OLAP REST API File format of JSON in request gives JSON2 format in response
JSON2 as output format supported in OLAP REST API
OLAP REST API supports multiple output formats as JSON, CSV and TSV. Along with that JSON2 was added and supported now. Any OLAP report will support with all 4 output formats like JSON, JSON2, CSV and TSV (JSON2 being an additional format in JSON produced by OLAP reports).